35: The Adirondacks
[pin 📍 /] [geo lat=‘44.18277’ lon=’-73.96368’ url=‘https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9198.html’ trail=‘usa:new-yorks:adirondacks-high-peaks’]High Peaks Wilderness[/geo] …near Heart Lake Program Center
Physical map by Adirondack Mountain Club
- 0m50s Headed East
- 2m01s Hotel
- [v 27 fragment=‘26m13s’ /]
- 2m31s Day One (78ºF)
- 2m54s Map overlay
- 3m11s Hiking south
- 3m27s Amanita muscaria
- 3m40s Beaked hazelnut tree
- 5m05s Blueberry, dogwood, Canada mayflower
- 5m36s Alder tree
- 7m29s Orange micena, chocolate tube slime mold
- 8m35s
- 14m10s Sedges
- 14m58s Viewers!
- 16m28s Bluets
- 27m37s Campsite
- 38m10s Day Two (6.2 miles hiked, 79ºF)
- 39m15s Split the party
- 50m22s American mountain ash
- 51m19s Birch tree
- 1h2m03s Day Three (9 miles hiked, 67ºF)
- 1h12m59s The End
- 1h13m26s Extra footage
- 1h14m14s Credits
- “Go Home” — vocals by Kris and Abby Paulson
- [geo lat=‘44.266094’ lon=’-73.970017’ adr=‘5686 Cascade Rd, Lake Placid, NY 12946’ tel=‘518-523-7844’ url=‘https://www.bigslidebrewery.com’ trail=’’]Big Slide Brewery[/geo]
- 1h15m34s Cornhole
- 1h18m37s Shoutouts: Seinfield; The Karate Kid
- 1h21m45s Thomas tag